
Attention to all taxi drivers, if you do not know the road that the passenger ask you to go BETTER say will be a big trouble for the passenger because we have to bare the costs
( jalan jauh, tambang naik )
or maybe intentionally you want to get ' more' profit, who knows ???? huh...

What was happened actually ?
I got a taxi driver who pretend know the road to go my college ( time tanyer,ok ) , but what happened when he started to ask for the direction.Hello ?? I pay you lah !! How come you ask me the direction, you should know !! huh.. ( mmg malangla , aku jenis x hafal jalan, mmg kena sembur la driver tu..harap maaf yer ) Actually, there is a lot of driver like that..
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3 Responses
  1. klu bro la kan... awal2 dah ade no taxi yg bro selalu naik.. soanng huhuhu

    BroFramestone Blog

  2. dah tu byr cmne..? kna mintk discount nih.. huhuhu

  3. Ainsyafinah Says:

    framestone : alo..mesti mahal kot, main panggil2 jer bile nk gune..huhu

    kak nuyui : ade la diskaun half, itu yg sejukkan hati skit..hehe

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